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Grow Your Practice with Direct Diagnostics

Grow Your Practice with Direct Diagnostics

Elevate Hygiene Production and Revenue

While the health benefits of saliva testing are indisputable, have you considered the significant economic advantages it can bring to your practice?

Approximately 80% of American adults have some form of gum disease.

Approximately 80% of American adults have some form of gum disease.

Industry standard suggests that periodontal treatment procedures should account for roughly 30% of all services provided within the dental hygiene department.

periodontal treatment procedures should account for roughly 30% of all services provided within the dental hygiene department.

It's estimated that the average dental practice reports only about 5% of their total production is generated from periodontal treatment services annually.

the average dental practice reports only about 5% of their total production is generated from periodontal treatment

This Discrepancy Highlights Two Critical Issues

These missed opportunities for early intervention often lead to more invasive and more costly procedures in the long run for the patient, as well as missed revenue today by following the "watch and wait" approach.

What Office Managers and Practice Owners are Saying:

A well-run re-care program has the potential to generate 25% to 35%+ of the gross production in the office.

HR5 is a key component to achieving these numbers.

Improve Your Understanding of Disease and the Need for Treatment

Incorporating HR5 saliva testing into your practice allows clinicians to not only address these critical diagnosis and treatment issues, but also to gain a powerful tool in presenting treatment to patients, by showing objective evidence of disease.


HR5 provides a medical-grade diagnosis to every patient who needs it. This, in turn, can lead to an improved understanding of disease status and the need for treatment on your patient's behalf, which often results in an increase of case acceptance and periodontal treatment completed.

View Our Case Studies

While results may vary, we encourage you to explore our case studies to see real-world examples of how practices like yours have achieved remarkable success by implementing saliva testing. Through Direct Diagnostics support, training, and personalized coaching, we aim to help your practice reach the full ROI potential of salivary diagnostics in your office.

HR5 Case Studies

“Saliva testing with HR5 has allowed us to invest more in technology and equipment in our practice through the additional revenue we’ve been able to generate through hygiene production.”

Direct Dx Customer

Jeromy Mulkey

Ops Manager, Denver Dentistry

"Having used HR5 now for almost a year, we appreciate the higher level of testing and the training and coaching that you have provided for us. I feel we took the practice to a much higher level of expertise when we moved from “the other company” to the HR5 testing through Direct Diagnostics.”

Direct Dx Customer

Dr. Ronald Massie,


"Salivary testing for harmful bacterial pathogens isn’t anything new. Dr. Worob and Dr. Barron have been recommending these types of tests for years in order to individualize periodontal treatment and fight the problem at its source. We are excited to provide a new tool to fight periodontal disease and discover the source of inflammation. Previous salivary tests given, while very effective, were expensive and results could take longer than we hoped to receive. We have partnered with Direct Diagnostics to change all of that. Superior results from a more affordable and accurate salivary test!"

Direct Dx Customer

12 Oaks Dental Practice

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Discover the Financial Potential Today

Don't miss out on the opportunity to elevate your practice's financial well-being while simultaneously improving patient care. Contact us today to learn more about how saliva testing can transform your practice's economic landscape.

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