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Active matrix metalloproteinase-8: A potential biomarker of oral systemic link

This mini review aims to address some possible gaps in periodontal diagnosis in clinical studies particularly involving the oral-systemic connection with a view to minimize such gaps, and thus improve patient treatment experiences and outcomes. Methods: The conventional assessment of periodontitis has traditionally been by clinical and radiographic oral parameters. We reviewed numerous studies published mainly within the past decade, to affirm the oral-systemic link, the contribution of periodontitis to the inflammatory burden in various systemic diseases and conditions, and the potential role of active matrix metalloproteinase-8 (aMMP-8).Results: While it is established that periodontal pathogens in dental plaque biofilmare the primary initiating agents in periodontitis, it has become clear from the appraisal of recent studies that the host inflammation, including biomarkers such asaMMP-8 play a major role, being the driving underlying pathological mechanism in both periodontitis and systemic diseases.Conclusions: The apparent limitations of conventional diagnostic tools have led researchers to seek alternative methods of evaluation such as the quantification of bio markers including aMMP-8, which can be a bridge between oral/periodontal and systemic diseases; aMMP-8 can form a mouth-body connection.Oral bacteria, oral health, and adverse pregnancy outcomes

Biyang Xu1 | Yiping W. Han1,2,Although epidemiological evidence supports the positive correlation between periodontal disease and adverse pregnancy outcomes, further studies are needed to elucidate the molecular mechanism sand to design effective intervention trials to improve oral health and prevent adverse pregnancy outcomes. Mechanistic studies, especially on F. nucleatum and P. gingivalis, provided strong evidence of direct colonization of the fetoplacental unit of oral bacteria. Studies on other oral pathogens are still needed to understand their virulence mechanisms. Nutritional supplementation such as omega-3fatty acids and vitamin D have potential for treating and preventing periodontal disease and adverse pregnancy outcomes, and warrants further investigations.

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